
Why Lower Bitcoin Price Volatility is No Panacea
There has been a fair amount of digital ink spilled, suggesting that bitcoin’s price volatility may be decreasing.

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Mt. Gox Halts ALL Bitcoin Withdrawals, Price Drop Follows
Mt. Gox has issued a statement announcing that it is temporarily pausing bitcoin withdrawals.
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Could Bitcoin Surpass Google's $384 Billion Market Cap?
Just how big a financial opportunity is bitcoin? Recently, Wall Street has been starting to ask that very question.

Venture Capitalist Chris Dixon Believes Bitcoin Will Hit $100k
The Andreessen Horowitz partner believes a single bitcoin could one day be worth $100,000.

Bitcoin Price Touches $1,000 Again as Overstock Sales Hit $130k
The price of bitcoin has reached $1,000 again following Overstock's news of strong sales in bitcoin.

Bitcoin prices crosses $1,000 again
The Bitcoin Price Just Crossed $1,000 Again
The price of bitcoin has, once again, reached $1,000 on popular bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox.
Bitcoin prices crosses $1,000 again

56% of Bitcoiners Believe the Bitcoin Price Will Reach $10k in 2014
More than half of bitcoiners believe the price of their favourite digital currency will reach $10,000 this year.

Bitcoin Price to $10,000
Poll: Will the Bitcoin Price Hit $10k in 2014?
Are you a bitcoin bull or bear for 2014?
Bitcoin Price to $10,000

Litecoin Price Mirrors Bitcoin's Plunge After China News
Bitcoin's price has dragged Litecoin down with it, following news of China's alleged crackdown on third-party payment processors.

Bitcoin exchange BTC China
Bitcoin Price Falls Further as BTC China Exchange Shuts Off Fiat Deposits
The price of bitcoin sank further today, after news emerged that BTC China had blocked deposits made in RMB.
Bitcoin exchange BTC China