
How Green is Bitcoin?
We look at the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining and whether the the energy costs justify the rewards.

Should you mine for profit or proteins?
As your GPU loses traction with Bitcoin, you could start mining other coins - or you could give some power to a worthy cause like Folding@home for proteins

Butterfly Labs launches new charity while still behind on shipments
Butterfly Labs announced they have started a charity to help the Bitcoin community, but everybody just wants to know when they will finally get their ASIC.

BFL Jalapeno
Butterfly Labs finally ships out last year's Jalapeno orders
Butterfly Labs announced today that they are finally shipping out last year's Jalapeno ASIC mines. They say that all backlogged orders will be in by 90 days
BFL Jalapeno

FinCEN quizzed on mining regs
Do FinCEN's regulations apply to miners? One US-based firm wants to find out, and has asked the regulatory body to clarify.

Mining Tunnel
WhereToMine highlights rich altcoin deposits
Where should you point your GPU? and can both give you some pointers.
Mining Tunnel

BitAngels interview with David Johnston -- The next bitcoin startups
David Johnston, Executive Director of BitAngels, talks about the next big Bitcoin startups that are up for funding.

Butterfly Labs says bulk chip sales to start soon
Butterfly Labs has announced it will begin selling bulk ASIC chips for bitcoin mining starting this month.

Bitcoin Blockchain Security Khan Academy
Trust in Bitcoin builds by solving one 'puzzle' at a time
What makes Bitcoin transactions secure and trustworthy? Computer security and cryptography expert Zulfikar Ramzan explains in this video from Khan Academy.
Bitcoin Blockchain Security Khan Academy

Coinbase Paper Wallet
Coinbase adds paper wallets for bitcoins
Coinbase, a hosted wallet service for Bitcoin, is now letting advanced users create and print paper wallets directly from their accounts.
Coinbase Paper Wallet