
Financial exchange
The Evolution of the Bitcoin Clearing House
These may be the final months for large international bitcoin exchanges for retail purposes. What will take their place?
Financial exchange

Developers attempt to resurrect Namecoin after fundamental flaw discovered
A fatal flaw has been discovered in the Namecoin protocol, but a fix is on the way.

EU map/flag
Kraken partners with Fidor Bank to offer bitcoin trading services in the EU
Digital currency exchange Kraken has forged a partnership with Fidor Bank to offer EU customers regulated bitcoin trading services.
EU map/flag

british pound sterling coin
How to Buy Bitcoin in the UK
We look at some of the best options for UK-based buyers interested in purchasing bitcoins.
british pound sterling coin

Belgian statue 2013-09-13
The worst swear word, a risky business, and playing by the numbers
Why is Belgium so nonchalant on bitcoin? Is Kraken right to focus on features over compliance? John Law investigates.
Belgian statue 2013-09-13

Kraken bitcoin exchange
Kraken opens for trading with euros, bitcoins and litecoins
Kraken, a new bitcoin exchange has come out of beta. We spoke to the CEO to find out more.
Kraken bitcoin exchange