
Former CEO of Bitcoin Exchange Mt Gox Re-arrested in Japan
Mark Karpeles, the former CEO of the now defunct bitcoin exchange Mt Gox, has been re-arrested on charges of embezzlement.

What Tokyo's Mt Gox Ruling Means for Bitcoin in Japan
Japanese attorney Akihiro Shiba examines what the recent Tokyo District Court ruling on a Mt Gox case means for the status of bitcoin in Japan.

Bitcoin Exchange bitFlyer Raises $4 Million in New Funding
BitFlyer has raised approximately 510m JPY ($4m) through third-party allotment, which entails issuing new shares to a limited number of investors.

Japan Weighing Bitcoin Exchange Rules Amid Mt Gox Investigation
Japanese government officials are said to be weighing how to regulate bitcoin exchanges following renewed attention on past issues at Mt Gox.

egg timer
Mt Gox: The History of a Failed Bitcoin Exchange
The arrest of Mt Gox CEO Mark Karpeles on Saturday is the latest twist in a lengthy plot surrounding the now-defunct bitcoin exchange.
egg timer

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Mt Gox CEO Mark Karpeles Arrested in Japan
Japanese police arrested Mt Gox CEO Mark Karpeles today on allegations that he manipulated volume on the platform prior to its collapse.
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Japan OKWave bitcoin tipping
Japan's Answer to Quora Announces Bitcoin Tipping Scheme
OKWave, Japan's answer to social network Quora, has announced plans to launch a bitcoin tipping scheme.
Japan OKWave bitcoin tipping

Joi Ito
Event Challenges Lack of Bitcoin Awareness in Post-Gox Japan
Digital currencies are still relatively unknown in Japan. This week, one of the country's pioneering VC firms aims to change that.
Joi Ito

Mt. Gox bitcoin protest Mark Karpeles
Trustee Extends Online Deadline for Mt Gox Claimants
Customers affected by Mt Gox's insolvency have been given more time to file their online bankruptcy claims.
Mt. Gox bitcoin protest Mark Karpeles

Tokyo street
Deal Brings Bitcoin Option to Over 20,000 Japanese Retailers
A deal between a bitcoin exchange and a payments network will see a bitcoin payment option offered to over 20,000 merchants in Japan.
Tokyo street