
The Downside of Democracy (and What it Means for Blockchain Governance)
Introducing on-chain governance to crypto networks is likely to make them more like nation-states with the inefficiencies that entails.

EOS Locked 7 Accounts and This Has Implications for Everyone in Crypto
Seven EOS accounts were frozen to prevent token theft. But does this seemingly moral decision spell havoc for the broader crypto market?

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EOS Is Launched But Not Yet Live – Why?
EOS still needs millions on tokens staked before its mainnet can officially go live, unlocking its tokens for holders to trade and use.
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eth token
Experimental Voting Effort Aims to Break Ethereum Governance Gridlock
Vitalik Buterin has suggested experimenting with quadratic voting, a governance model furthered by Dr. Glen Weyl, on the ethereum platform.
eth token

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Crypto Tribalism Is Holding Back Blockchain
A more united front among all who believe in blockchain tech's sweeping potential could help ensure a more constructive legal environment.
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The Age of Endless Blockchain Forks Is Coming to an End
Real-world assets will force a change in blockchain governance, writes EY's Paul Brody. Forks will still be possible, but will attract fewer users.
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Code Is Law – But It's Not the Only Law for Blockchains
It's the combination of internal and external rules that ultimately dictates how blockchain-based platforms will operate, says Primavera De Filippi.

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California City's Blockchain Bond Is Definitely Maybe Happening
The "labyrinth" of city politics defies easy interpretation, but it seems that Berkeley is actually on its way to issuing on a bond on the blockchain.
berkeley on map

New Ideas Energize Ethereum Though True Signaling Solution Still Elusive
At an invitation-only meeting in Toronto, ethereum developers and companies met to discuss how best to alter the platform given its variety of users.

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Why Ethereum Can't Tell What Its Users Want
In the wake of new growth, developers working on the world's second-largest blockchain are struggling to determine how best to gauge user sentiment.
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