Dorsey’s Block (SQ)

Jack Dorsey speaking at Consensus 2018. (CoinDesk)
Jack Dorsey’s Block Is Building a Bitcoin Mining System
The firm also completed the development of its three-nanometer mining chip, which it had been working on since April 2023.
Jack Dorsey speaking at Consensus 2018. (CoinDesk)

Jack Dorsey’s TBD Announces Web 3 Competitor: Web5
Jack Dorsey’s TBD Announces Web 3 Competitor: Web5
Jack Dorsey is taking on Web3, with Web5. At CoinDesk’s Consensus Festival in Austin, Dorsey’s TBD – the bitcoin-focused subsidiary of Dorsey’s Block (SQ) – announced its new...
Jack Dorsey’s TBD Announces Web 3 Competitor: Web5