Blockchain Applications

shipping, port
Digital Trade Chain: 7 Banks Could Go Live With Blockchain in 2017
A group of seven major banks is partnering on a new blockchain-based trade finance project.
shipping, port

lab, testing
China's Biggest Blockchain Startup Will Release New Tech in 2017
Shanghai-based Juzhen Financials plans to launch its own proprietary blockchain technology for banks this year.
lab, testing

'Blockchain' May Fail Banks, But Open Software Won't
Is 'blockchain' failing? Entrepreneur Pavel Kravchenko argues the answer to that question may be in the eye of the beholder.

house, key, real estate
Blockchain for Mortgages: Compelling, But Premature?
If there's an area that cries out for the efficiencies of blockchain, it's the mortgage industry. But are institutions ready for such major change?
house, key, real estate

Credit: Shutterstock
$11 Trillion Bet: DTCC to Process Derivatives With Blockchain Tech
The DTCC is moving $11tn-worth of derivatives transactions to a blockchain, thanks to a deal with IBM, R3CEV and Axoni.
Credit: Shutterstock

What Apple Can Teach Blockchain App Designers for 2017
Could blockchain be more user friendly? These industry insiders believe that is essential for adoption to increase in 2017.

trash, recycle
Charlie Shrem's Post-Prison Blockchain Firm Sees Gold in Garbage
Charlie Shrem is re-imagining investment on the ethereum blockchain with a fund focusing on garbage.
trash, recycle

du, dubai
Mobile Telco Du Reveals New Blockchain Healthcare Partnership
One of the UAE's largest telcos has announced a new partner in its drive for blockchain-powered medical records.
du, dubai

State Street's Blockchain Strategy: Big and Bold for 2017
State Street bank is on the verge of putting significant amounts of its workflow on a blockchain. CoinDesk speaks to the executives involved.

Dubai Appeals to Startup Ecosystem for Blockchain Immigration Solution
Dubai's immigration agency is seeking a blockchain startup to develop a system that will cut illegal residency in the country.