XYO Network
About XYO Network
The price of XYO Network (XYO) is $0.00433785 today, as of Sep 09 06:25 a.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $551,018. Over the last 24 hours, the price has increased by 0.46%. XYO Network currently has a circulating supply of 13.93B and a market cap of $60.43M.
XYO is the original DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network). It was built to create a fully trustless oracle for Web3 and Web2 users. The XYO token powers the XYO ecosystem, which includes a network, DePIN system, protocol, SDKs, software suite, and software platform (xyOS), with APIs soon to follow. This decentralized ecosystem incentivizes the aggregation and validation of data, facilitating personal and organizational data sovereignty.
XYO is a DePIN ecosystem of consumer software, developer tools, a decentralized network, and digital assets. XYO facilitates and incentivizes the aggregation, validation, and use of decentralized data. Built around the XYO token, the XYO ecosystem accumulates and circulates data such that individual and organizational participants in the ecosystem retain control over their own data - also known as data sovereignty - and can be rewarded for the use of their data with the XYO token. Data use is incentivized by providing immutable, tamper-resistant, blockchain data for a wide variety of possible uses, including AI modeling, metaverse applications, and data analytics.