Star Atlas DAO
About Star Atlas DAO
The price of Star Atlas DAO (POLIS) is $0.13943101 today, as of Sep 08 07:33 a.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $482,139. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by -0.54%. Star Atlas DAO currently has a circulating supply of 262.06M and a market cap of $36.54M.
Star Atlas DAO (POLIS) is the governance token of Star Atlas, a sci-fi metaverse game built on the Solana blockchain. Star Atlas’ other in-game currency is called ATLAS.
POLIS launched in September 2021 and reached its all-time high of $18.55 in the same month. The token sank in price after its strong launch, falling to about $1.20 by May 2022. The token aims to decentralize the Star Atlas game by slowly but surely transferring power from its original development team to governance holders over several years.
POLIS has a maximum supply of 360 million tokens. This is a fixed supply and will not increase unless the governance holders decide otherwise. The total supply will drip into the Star Atlas ecosystem within eight years of the token’s launch.
More than 7 million POLIS tokens were sold in public token sales on Apollo-X, Raydium and FTX. The token sales were gated with white lists, and stakers of various exchange tokens and NFTs were prioritized.
In private sales with a two-year vesting period, 81 million POLIS tokens were sold, 14.4 million tokens were reserved for liquidity pools and exchange listings, 144 million are reserved for rewards and 108 million went to the team. The rewards tokens will be distributed over eight years and the team’s tokens are subject to a two-year lockup.