Paul Brody

Paul Brody

Paul Brody is Global Blockchain Leader for EY (Ernst & Young). Under his leadership, EY is established a global presence in the blockchain space with a particular focus on public blockchains, assurance, and business application development in the Ethereum ecosystem.



Why Enterprises Should Build on Public Blockchains
Private networks, a lot like corporate private intranets, may never go away but they will never be as relevant as the public internet or open chains like Ethereum.
Choosing Who We Trust
Oracles, algorithms and blockchains provide an alternative to a system where you have to form all-or-nothing business relationships.
The headquarters of Russia's State Planning Committee, or Gosplan, in Moscow.
The Age of Autonomous Supply Chains
Companies can replace top-down planning with self-organizing blockchain systems, says our columnist. Think of supply chains orchestrated by smart contracts.
The headquarters of Russia's State Planning Committee, or Gosplan, in Moscow.
A Big Carbon Footprint Compared to What?
When blockchain systems reduce human involvement in transactions, the carbon benefits can be substantial, says our columnist.
DeFi's Sticky Future
Innovations tend to stack. And there's nothing more stackable than composability and interoperability involving money.
Don't Fear the Coming Regulation Wave
Fears of new regulation causing a crypto company apocalypse are overblown. Blockchain technology actually makes compliance easier.
Time Is Running Out to Win the Blockchain Race
Tech and financial services companies might think they have plenty of time to develop a "blockchain strategy." If history is a guide, they don't, says EY's blockchain leader.
Eduardo MunozAlvarez/VIEWpress/Getty Images
Web 3.0 Is Coming for the Sharing Economy
DeFi demonstrates how "sharing" businesses can be built using open protocols, says EY's blockchain leader.
Eduardo MunozAlvarez/VIEWpress/Getty Images
A bike messenger, Manhattan,  Feb. 11, 2000.
Predicting the Future Is Easy, Profiting Is Hard
There are obvious crypto investments to make but, judged by the dot-com boom, they may not be the best ones, says EY's blockchain lead.
A bike messenger, Manhattan,  Feb. 11, 2000.
There’s More to Inflation Than the Money Supply
The printer may be going "brrrrr" but increasing the money supply doesn't necessarily lead to inflation, writes EY's blockchain leader.