Michael J. Casey

Michael J. Casey

Michael J. Casey is CoinDesk's chief content officer. Previously, Casey was the CEO of Streambed Media, a company he cofounded to develop provenance data for digital content. He was also a senior advisor at MIT Media Labs's Digital Currency Initiative and a senior lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Management. Prior to joining MIT, Casey spent 18 years at The Wall Street Journal, where his last position was as a senior columnist covering global economic affairs. Casey has authored five books, including "The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money are Challenging the Global Economic Order" and "The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and the Future of Everything," both co-authored with Paul Vigna. Upon joining CoinDesk full time, Casey resigned from a variety of paid advisory positions. He maintains unpaid posts as an advisor to not-for-profit organizations, including MIT Media Lab's Digital Currency Initiative and The Deep Trust Alliance. He is a shareholder and non-executive chairman of Streambed Media. Casey owns bitcoin.



3d printing
3D Printing Could Be Blockchain's True Game-Changer
Combined with other emerging tech, blockchain could enable a new paradigm of decentralized, on-demand production and realign global economic power.
3d printing
Bitcoin mining farm (Shutterstock)
Crypto Needs More Than Code to Beat the ASIC Mining Threat
Defending cryptocurrencies against the centralizing forces of ASIC mining chips requires more than coding fixes; human governance is also critical.
Bitcoin mining farm (Shutterstock)
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Blockchains Alone Won’t Fix the Facebook Problem
The root problem of social media is centralization of control over data. The ideas that underpin blockchain tech offer glimpses of a path forward.
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The 'Crypto Bubble' Is About More Than Market Mania
This mania is incentivizing the formation of collaborative networks of developers and entrepreneurs. Their ideas will shape the economy of the future.
boxing, gloves
Time to Acknowledge – and Encourage – Women in Blockchain
Columnist Michael J. Casey on how men in the cryptocurrency and blockchain community can do more to advance the engagement of women in the space.
boxing, gloves
champagne glasses
Davos Elites Still Don't Get Blockchain
"It's not useful for anything," Krugman and his cohort claim. The problem of this blinkered mindset is that it fails to recognize the cost of trust.
champagne glasses
Mark Zuckerberg
What a Facebook Blockchain Token Might Look Like
If Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg really wants to experiment with decentralized systems, a publicly issued crypto-token would be hell of a way to do it.
Mark Zuckerberg
The facility is part of Georgia's Simple Solar program.
Bitcoin Mining Wastes Energy? What If That's Good?
Long-term, the incentives bitcoin creates may drive efficiency and green energy solutions in the crypto world and even spur them in the wider economy.
The facility is part of Georgia's Simple Solar program.
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Bitcoin Has Gone Mainstream. That's a Very Big Deal
While we're still a long way from mass adoption, this is a moment of global awareness and dialogue that is opening up a wide array of possibilities.
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Peter Pan, Big Ben, flying
To the Moon? Time to Grow Up, Bitcoin
The immaturity of bitcoin’s investing culture constrains progress toward attaining the technology’s fundamental social value, Michael J. Casey writes.
Peter Pan, Big Ben, flying