Leigh Cuen

Leigh Cuen

Leigh Cuen is a tech reporter covering blockchain technology for publications such as Newsweek Japan, International Business Times and Racked. Her work has also been published by Teen Vogue, Al Jazeera English, The Jerusalem Post, Mic, and Salon. Leigh does not hold value in any digital currency projects or startups. Her small cryptocurrency holdings are worth less than a pair of leather boots.



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Summer 2020 Is Funding Season for Open-Source Bitcoin Development
The maker of Wasabi Wallet becomes the latest firm to support crypto coders with a 1 BTC donation to the Human Rights Foundation's Bitcoin Development Fund.
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OB1 staff show off OpenBazaar at a 2019 conference. (CoinDesk archives)
The COVID-19 E-Commerce Boom Hasn't Trickled Down to Bitcoin, Despite Advantages
Although a variety of e-commerce platforms are booming during COVID-19 lockdowns, bitcoin payments remain exceedingly niche.
OB1 staff show off OpenBazaar at a 2019 conference. (CoinDesk archives)
Security Firm Claims One Group Stole $200M in Numerous Exchange Hacks
One small group of hackers may have made off with $200 million by infiltrating numerous exchanges, security firm ClearSky claims.
Ethereum Foundation Makes Second Crypto Donation to UNICEF
Thanks to a second donation from the Ethereum Foundation, UNICEF will give cryptocurrency to several more startups in emerging markets.
An icon of open source (Zeyi Fan/Flickr Creative Commons)
OKCoin, BitMEX Sponsor Bitcoin Core Developer Amiti Uttarwar
OKCoin and BitMEX just sponsored another Bitcoin Core developer, Amiti Uttarwar, who is focused on privacy tech and education.
An icon of open source (Zeyi Fan/Flickr Creative Commons)
Images of Hassan Nasrallah and Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini adorn the walls of a Syrian market. (Leif Stenberg/Shutterstock)
The Truth About Bitcoin and Hezbollah in Lebanon
Will Hezbollah in Lebanon use bitcoin? The data suggests terror activity is uncommon despite surging crypto popularity across the Middle East.
Images of Hassan Nasrallah and Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini adorn the walls of a Syrian market. (Leif Stenberg/Shutterstock)
U.S. District Court in Oakland (V Smoothe/Wikimedia Commons)
Ex-Bitcoin Dev Settles Defamation Suit Over Sex Assault Claims
Former Bitcoin developer Peter Todd has settled his defamation suit against fellow a privacy-tech expert who publicly accused him of sexual misconduct.
U.S. District Court in Oakland (V Smoothe/Wikimedia Commons)
Credit: Allie Awesome
How the Porn Industry Changed During Coronavirus, With Performers Wary of Bitcoin
CoinDesk’s Leigh Cuen and adult content creator Allie Awesome talk about payments and money in the sex industry, especially the trends impacted by the coronavirus crisis.
Credit: Allie Awesome
Credit: Shutterstock
How an Art Collective Is Using Blockchain to Protest Police Brutality
The DADA Art Collective is using blockchain to promote Black Lives Matter and calls for police reform. Here's how tokens can be a form of protest.
Credit: Shutterstock
A voting ballot from the March 2020 election in Israel. (Credit: Shutterstock)
With Token Uptick and Israeli Election Work, It's Been a Busy Year for Bancor's Founders
Bancor, the decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol, has seen a number of interesting developments in the first half of 2020.
A voting ballot from the March 2020 election in Israel. (Credit: Shutterstock)