Grace Caffyn

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Grace served as an editor for CoinDesk from 2013 to 2015.



Lie detector
Bitcoin Network Stress Test Could Occur Next Week
The controversial group behind several bitcoin 'stress tests' has confirmed next week it will push ahead with its biggest so far.
Lie detector
Alex Millar
Election Hopeful Wants Canada to Recognise Bitcoin as Currency
A candidate running in Canada's upcoming federal election says he wants to give bitcoin an equal footing with the dollar.
Alex Millar
LocalBitcoins Back Online Following 'Hardware Failure'
Mining pickaxe
Bitcoin Block Size Debate: Who's Picking Sides?
Which companies are supporting BIP 100 or BIP 101? We've tracked down the answers.
Mining pickaxe
ChangeTip Users Can Now Turn Bitcoin Tips into Gift Cards
ChangeTip users can now withdraw bitcoin from the platform in the form of gift cards, thanks to an integration with Gyft this week.
BTCChina Support Gives BIP 100 Bitcoin Hashrate Majority
BTCChina has backed Jeff Garzik's block size scaling solution, giving BIP 100 a majority of the network's hashing power.
Black and White Blocks
BitFury Backs BIP 100 Blocksize Proposal
BitFury – the best-capitalised mining firm in bitcoin – has waded into the block size debate, stating it must be resolved by consensus.
Black and White Blocks
patrick byrne, overstock
Overstock's tØ Acquires Broker Firm for Wall Street Disruption
Overstock's crypto subsidiary tØ has acquired Wall Street firm SpeedRoute, a move CEO Joseph Cammarata termed a "quantum leap" for securities trading.
patrick byrne, overstock
Support Grows for BIP 100 Bitcoin Block Size Proposal
Support for BIP 100, the scalability fix from core developer Jeff Garzik, is growing as more miners pick sides in bitcoin's block size debate.
MIT Course 'to Inspire Next Generation of Bitcoin CEOs'
Not to be outdone by Stanford, MIT Media Lab has announced its own course to inspire bitcoin's young talent.