
Nicolas Maduro, Venezuelan president
Venezuela's Petro Will Harm 'Legitimate' Cryptocurrencies, Says Brookings
The Brookings Institute warns that the petro will undermine both international economic sanctions and truly decentralized cryptocurrencies.
Nicolas Maduro, Venezuelan president

Venezuelan Lawmakers Declare Petro Crypto Illegal
A lawmaking body in Venezuela is moving to denounce the country's forthcoming petro cryptocurrency, spearheaded by President Nicholas Maduro.

Venezuelan Leader Claims Big Demand for Petro Cryptocurrency
Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro said the government has received 171,000 certified purchase orders for the petro, most of them from individuals.

maduro, venezuela
Making Peace with a Crypto Axis of Evil
The latest awkward use case for cryptocurrency is funding rogue states led by egotistical dictators. The world may just have to live with this.
maduro, venezuela

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Venezuela May Limit New Crypto Exchange Launches
In the wake of its petro launch, Venezuela may still limit the number of crypto exchanges permitted to operate in the country, sources say.
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Menendez Hints At US Action on Venezuela's Controversial Crypto
A U.S. senator who has previously spoken out against Venezuela's newly launched "petro" cryptocurrency isn't done with the issue.

Why Venezuela Should Worry About a National Crypto
While a lot is still unclear about Venezuela's state-backed "petro" token, what is apparent is that many feel it's potentially harmful for its people.

Venezuela's President Orders Companies to Accept Petro
Venezuela officially has its own cryptocurrency – and its president wants some of the country's state-owned businesses to use it.

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Venezuela Is Talking With Russia About Cryptocurrency
Venezuelan finance minister Simon Zerpa Delgado announced on Twitter that he visited Moscow to update Russian officials on Venezuela's petro currency.
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Venezuela's Cryptocurrency Is Here, But Who's Involved Isn't Clear
Several companies have been so far linked to Venezuela's petro cryptocurrency initiative in the wake of this week's launch.