Curve DAO Token
About Curve DAO Token
The price of Curve DAO Token (CRV) is $0.27505820 today, as of Sep 09 05:26 a.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $171.36M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has increased by 7.06%. Curve DAO Token currently has a circulating supply of 1.20B and a market cap of $329.00M.
Curve DAO token (CRV) is the native asset underpinning one of the world’s largest decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms Curve.Finance, a decentralized exchange used to trade cryptocurrencies (especially stablecoins) without the need for a middleman.
CRV, also known as the Curve DAO token, is capped at a total of 3.03 billion tokens, according to the Curve.Finance website. Sixty-two percent of those tokens will go to community liquidity providers, 30% to Curve.Finance’s team and investors, 3% to employees and 5% to the “community reserve.”
CRV was created to try to draw liquidity to the platform and to encourage participation in its governance process, meaning voting on important decisions and potential changes to the protocol.
When CRV was launched in August 2020, its price immediately hit an all-time high of $6.93, but then sank to as low as $0.33 by October 2020.
In 2021, CRV’s prices inched back toward their initial all-time high. Amid the industry-wide bull run at the beginning of 2021, CRV climbed to $4.04. That was followed by a swing back back down to $1.28 in July, and then a second surge to $5.80 in November 2021.