Technical Analysis

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Technical analysis is a widely used methodology in the world of cryptocurrencies, encompassing the evaluation of various factors to predict price movements and make informed investment decisions. It involves analyzing historical price data, trading volume, and market trends to identify patterns and trends that may repeat in the future. By utilizing statistical tools and chart patterns, technical analysis aims to provide insights into potential price direction and timing. For individuals involved in the crypto space, technical analysis serves as a valuable tool to understand market sentiment and make informed trading decisions. Companies and protocols within the blockchain networks also employ technical analysis to assess market conditions and optimize their strategies. Moreover, crypto exchanges utilize technical analysis to provide users with comprehensive trading tools and indicators, enabling them to make data-driven decisions.

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BTC Daily Chart
Bitcoin Holds Support, Approaching Resistance Around $60K
The daily relative strength index (RSI) is back in neutral territory after reaching overbought levels earlier this month.
BTC Daily Chart

Four-hour BTC chart shows a break of uptrend support with lower support levels.
Bitcoin Breaks Below Short-Term Uptrend, Lower Support Around $50K
Bitcoin's uptrend continues to slow after breaking short-term support.
Four-hour BTC chart shows a break of uptrend support with lower support levels.

Weekly chart shows BTC parabolic rises along ascending channel.
Veteran Analyst Peter Brandt Expects Bitcoin to Reach $200K
Based on an analysis of price chart patterns, bitcoin is about halfway through its current bull market, which began around the March 2020 low.
Weekly chart shows BTC parabolic rises along ascending channel.

Patrick Heusser sees a "rising wedge" in bitcoin's 4-hour price chart.
Bitcoin Price Chart Shows Bull Fatigue as Analyst Sees 'Rising Wedge'
Bitcoin looks to have charted a rising wedge pattern, a sign of uptrend fatigue.
Patrick Heusser sees a "rising wedge" in bitcoin's 4-hour price chart.

BTC 4-hour chart
Bitcoin Maintains Trend Support at $56K, All-Time High Within Reach Around $61K
The month-long uptrend from $43,000 remains intact, although longer-term signals are weakening.
BTC 4-hour chart

bank of japan
Bitcoin Tends to Weaken During Asian Trading, Especially After Bank of Japan Policy Shift
Asian sellers meet North American buyers, as BoJ policy move reminds traders of timing patterns.
bank of japan

Bitcoin Hourly Chart
Bitcoin Rallies Towards $60K Resistance, Short-Term Support Seen at $56K
Bitcoin's rally reignited the short-term trend and will now test resistance around $60K as it eyes all-time-highs.
Bitcoin Hourly Chart

Bitcoin hourly chart
Bitcoin Stalls at $57K Resistance, Lower Support Around $53K
“Short-term momentum remains positive, but far less so than in February,” writes one analyst.
Bitcoin hourly chart

Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, which uses the XRP token in its payments network.
XRP Jumps as Bullish 'Golden Cross' Pattern Appears in Price Chart
It's often a bullish indicator when the the 50-week moving average crosses above the 100-week, but traders can get trapped on the wrong side of the market.
Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, which uses the XRP token in its payments network.