William Mougayar

William Mougayar

William Mougayar, a CoinDesk columnist, is the author of “The Business Blockchain,” producer of the Token Summit and a venture investor and adviser.



Finance startup
How Blockchain Startups Are Revolutionizing Venture Capital
William Mougayar argues that the traditional venture capital model is being quickly revolutionised by blockchain tech.
Finance startup
Sharing documents
If You Understand Google Docs, You Can Understand Blockchain
Consensus algorithms? Economic game theory? Let's put that aside for a second.
Sharing documents
government, support
The Blockchain is Perfect for Government Services
In this op-ed, investor and author William Mougayar discusses why global governments should be – and increasingly are – embracing blockchain.
government, support
Yuri Turkov/Shutterstock
The Theory of a Blockchain Circular Economy
Ethereum Foundation advisor William Mougayar offers his thoughts on the how blockchains could change the way we work and how we are compensated.
Yuri Turkov/Shutterstock
torches, mob
Public Blockchains: The Community vs The Ecosystem
In this opinion piece, author William Mougayar breaks down the term "community" and what it means for blockchain governance.
torches, mob
What We Can Learn From The DAO
What can we learn from The DAO's downfall? Ethereum board advisor William Mougayar offers his thoughts on the path ahead.
Implementing Blockchain: Who Are You Going to Call?
Which blockchain implementations are right for your enterprise? Investor William Mougayar breaks down the ecosystem and its providers.
Why Your Business Needs a Blockchain Czar
Investor William Mougayar discusses how enterprise businesses are seeking to establish and implement blockchain strategies
weights measures
The Call for Blockchain Standards is Premature and Alarmist
Is it too early to be thinking about blockchain standards? Investor William Mougayar argues the answer is yes.
weights measures
Regulation a Doubled-Edged Sword for Blockchain Clearing and Settlement
In this opinion piece, blockchain investor William Mougayar explores how regulation could impact clearing and settlement.