Technical Analysis

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Technical analysis is a widely used methodology in the world of cryptocurrencies, encompassing the evaluation of various factors to predict price movements and make informed investment decisions. It involves analyzing historical price data, trading volume, and market trends to identify patterns and trends that may repeat in the future. By utilizing statistical tools and chart patterns, technical analysis aims to provide insights into potential price direction and timing. For individuals involved in the crypto space, technical analysis serves as a valuable tool to understand market sentiment and make informed trading decisions. Companies and protocols within the blockchain networks also employ technical analysis to assess market conditions and optimize their strategies. Moreover, crypto exchanges utilize technical analysis to provide users with comprehensive trading tools and indicators, enabling them to make data-driven decisions.

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Bitcoin Bulls Just Joining the Rally Are Very Late to the Party, Analyst Says
Never before has the RSI been this overbought alongside an above-$60,000 bitcoin price, analysts at The Market Ear explained.

Bitcoin could peak at $200K, according to Peter Brandt. (12019/Pixabay)
Chart Expert Peter Brandt Raises Bitcoin's 2025 Target to $200K on Channel Breakout
Brandt expects bitcoin's ongoing bull market to peak at $200,000, a significant upward revision from the previous estimate of $120,000.
Bitcoin could peak at $200K, according to Peter Brandt. (12019/Pixabay)

The weekly RSI has crossed above 70. (TradingView)
Jump in Ether's Relative Strength Index Warrants Your Attention. Here is Why
Ether's 14-week RSI has topped 70, a threshold that marked previous parabolic bull runs.
The weekly RSI has crossed above 70. (TradingView)

Bear waving goodbye (Hans-Jurgen Mager/Unsplash)
Bitcoin Indicator, Which Signaled Late 2023 Rally, Is About to Flash Bearish Signal
The Guppy Multiple Moving Average indicator is about to flash a red signal, indicating a strengthening of downward momentum.
Bear waving goodbye (Hans-Jurgen Mager/Unsplash)

Bitcoin's weekly price chart (TradingView)
Bitcoin Sees First Ever Weekly 'Golden Cross,' a Bullish Signal to Some
The 50-week simple moving average (SMA) of bitcoin's price has crossed above the 200-week SMA for the first time on record.
Bitcoin's weekly price chart (TradingView)

Magnifier, Schedules (ds_30/Pixabay)
Bitcoin's Technicals Suggests Deeper Pullback to $38K: Analyst
Bitcoin's RSI divergence signals correction, 10x Research said.
Magnifier, Schedules (ds_30/Pixabay)

BowTiedBull (Will Ess for
Bitcoin's Bull Run Has Plenty of Steam Left, These Indicators Suggest
Key indicators tracking Bitcoin's blockchain activity, miner flows, and the 200-day moving average suggest bitcoin is far from being overvalued and could continue to rally in...
BowTiedBull (Will Ess for

(Jason Briscoe/Unsplash)
Bitcoin's 3-Week Consolidation Under $38K Has Bullish Undertone
The pullbacks have become less deep over the past three weeks, suggesting the building up of bullish sentiment, one observer said.
(Jason Briscoe/Unsplash)

The RSI suggests a powerful bull move for bitcoin (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Raging Bitcoin Bull Market Ahead, According to Key Indicator
The crypto's weekly RSI has crossed above 70, indicating a strengthening of upward momentum.
The RSI suggests a powerful bull move for bitcoin (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Bitcoin's triangular price consolidation (TradingView/CoinDesk)
Bitcoin's 'Triangular Consolidation' Is Bullish: Technical Analysis
Such consolidations generally end with an upward breakout, one observer said.
Bitcoin's triangular price consolidation (TradingView/CoinDesk)