
AI Safety for Smart Contracts Is AI Safety for the World
Web3 infrastructure can bring new safety and reliability tools to AI, a cycle that will make the intersection of AI and Web3 massively and mutually beneficial, Chainlink scien...

(Markus Spiske/Unsplash, modified by CoinDesk)
How the Bitcoin Halving Will Drive Action to Layer 2s
Increasing on-chain use of the network are driving up fees.
(Markus Spiske/Unsplash, modified by CoinDesk)

Token unlocks are usually bearish events, increasing a token's supply.(FLY:D/Unsplash)
Bitcoin Will Power the Next DeFi Summer
The blockchain is emerging as a critical security-provider for decentralized apps and as an asset with newfound utility and interoperability.
Token unlocks are usually bearish events, increasing a token's supply.(FLY:D/Unsplash)

(Dylan Mullins/Unsplash)
Google Searches for 'Bitcoin Halving' Get Higher Than 4/20
One of the closely watched indicators of retail interest is booming.
(Dylan Mullins/Unsplash)

(Zdeněk Macháček/Unsplash)
Leaving Behind Bitcoin Sectarianism
After years of infighting over how to scale the blockchain, the community is again experimenting with ways to turn Bitcoin into a suitable platform to develop on.
(Zdeněk Macháček/Unsplash)

(Giovanni Calia/Unsplash)
This Bitcoin Halving Is Different. But Is It 'Priced In'?
Institutions launching bitcoin ETFs this year have buoyed the bitcoin price to record levels. Does that mean the impact of the halving — the four-year slashing of the bitcoin...
(Giovanni Calia/Unsplash)

(engin akyurt/Unsplash)
What Is Bitcoin Meant to Hedge?
The cryptocurrency underperformed this week as an economic safe haven. But bitcoiners are taking a longer term view.
(engin akyurt/Unsplash)

Bitcoin Miners Are Set for a Coiled Spring Rally
Miners face uncertain times as the halving changes Bitcoin’s economics. Which groups are best positioned for the future? Dan Weiskopf, at Tidal Financial Group, gives a run-do...

(John Kakuk/Unsplash)
Time to Take the Reins on Tokenization, or Risk Missing Out
Tokenization can revolutionize the way transactions are processed. But, for institutions, the highest potential lies in the digital assets themselves, says Nadine Chakar, Glob...
(John Kakuk/Unsplash)