Paul Brody

Paul Brody

Paul Brody is Global Blockchain Leader for EY (Ernst & Young). Under his leadership, EY is established a global presence in the blockchain space with a particular focus on public blockchains, assurance, and business application development in the Ethereum ecosystem.



Forget GIFs, NFTs Are Essential Infrastructure
NFTs provide one of the best tools ever invented for making the most of scarce resources, says EY's blockchain leader.
This Isn't the Revolution I Signed Up For
Radicals think they're under siege from Silicon Valley and Washington D.C., and they believe “blockchain fixes this.” Not my problem, says EY's Global Blockchain Leader.
Neon Sign on Brick Wall background - Free. 3d rendering
The Future of Everything Is Free
Blockchains are about to make a lot of things effectively free, and as a result they will transform how business and finance are done, says our columnist.
Neon Sign on Brick Wall background - Free. 3d rendering
Federal Reserve building, Washington D.C.
Why CBDCs Are Really Game-Changing
Central bank currencies are more than payment systems. They are programmable networks for verifiable commerce, says EY's blockchain leader.
Federal Reserve building, Washington D.C.
EY blockchain lead Paul Brody
Public Blockchains Are Set to Reshape Global Commerce (2020 Was the Start)
EY's blockchain leader says blockchain technology's biggest impact will be in lowering transaction costs in the global economy.
EY blockchain lead Paul Brody
What the History of Airlines Tells Us About Blockchain Commerce
The ability to represent all industrial capacity as tokens on a blockchain will have huge implications for resource use, says our columnist.
From DeFi to DeOps: How Public Blockchains Could Supplement ERP Systems
As DeFi does away with middlemen in finance, "DeOps" could reduce the need for intermediaries in large-scale supply systems.
'Great Artists Steal' – What Enterprise Blockchain Can Learn From the Past
Enterprise blockchain doesn't need to reinvent the wheel: Communications standards in use for decades are built for machine-to-machine commerce.
How Small Business Can Achieve 'Economies of Scale' by 2030
Blockchain tech will allow small businesses to collaborate as never before, reducing the power of big business to dictate terms.
(Tobias Cornille/Unsplash)
Enterprises Need Third Parties for Oracles to Work
Decentralized, oracle-based systems, like Chainlink's are unworkable for financial services without third-party verification.
(Tobias Cornille/Unsplash)