Daniel Kuhn

Daniel Kuhn

Daniel Kuhn is a deputy managing editor for Consensus Magazine, where he helps produce monthly editorial packages and the opinion section. He also writes a daily news rundown and twice weekly column for The Node newsletter. He first appeared in print in Financial Planning, a trade publication magazine. Before journalism, he studied philosophy as an undergrad, English literature in graduate school and business and economic reporting at an NYU professional program. You can connect with him on Twitter and Telegram @danielgkuhn or find him on Urbit as ~dorrys-lonreb. He owns minor amounts of BTC and ETH.



grin, mimblewimble
Grin Developers Agree to Alter Technical Development Roadmap
Developers behind the cryptocurrency Grin agreed to hold off on changes to planned proof-of-work updates for the foreseeable future.
grin, mimblewimble
Credit: Shutterstock
Bitcoin Price Takes Another Tumble, Shedding Nearly $1K in 20 Minutes
The overall crypto market has shed some $80 billion over the past 24 hours.
Credit: Shutterstock
Coinbase Pro to Enable Chainlink Trading
Coinbase Pro will accept inbound transfers of LINK until their "metrics for a healthy market [are] met.'
witness, law
Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright to Take the Stand in Kleiman Lawsuit
Steve Shadders, who sees the "Satoshiness of Wright," will testify as a factual witness alongside Wright himself.
witness, law
dai, makerdao
Coinsource Adds Dai Stablecoin to Bitcoin ATM in Preparation of Remittance Roll-Out
Coinsource will be updating all of its 230 machines in 29 US states and the District of Columbia in a push to create a remittance system.
dai, makerdao
Imgur Raises $20 Million From Ex-Ripple CTO's Micropayments Startup
The popular image hosting site Imgur is tying up with a micropayments startup founded by Ripple's former CTO.
Swiss piggy bank
Amun Launches Exchange-Traded Product Using Bitwise Crypto Index
This new ETP will track Bitwise's index of 10 top crypto assets weighted by free-float and inflation-adjusted market capitalization.
Swiss piggy bank
us federal reserve
Ex-Trump Economist Joins 'Crypto Central Bank' After Failed Fed Bid
Decentral aims to perform similar monetary functions for cryptocurrencies as the Federal Reserve does for the U.S. economy.
us federal reserve
keys, security
Samourai Wallet Releases Privacy-Enhancing CoinJoin Feature
The new feature is easy to activate but may be difficult to execute at scale.
keys, security
Over 2,000 Investors Back Kraken Crypto Exchange’s $13 Million Crowdfunding
The crowdfunding effort is said to have pushed Kraken's valuation towards $4 billion.