Silk Road

Charlie Shrem is the former founder of BitInstant and co-founder of cryptocurrency intelligence service CryptoIQ.
BitInstant CEO Charlie Shrem Arrested in Silk Road Bitcoin Bust
Charges have been filed against exchange owner Charlie Shrem for allegedly selling $1m in bitcoins to Silk Road users.
Charlie Shrem is the former founder of BitInstant and co-founder of cryptocurrency intelligence service CryptoIQ.

US Government Announces it Will Sell $25 Million Worth of Silk Road Bitcoins
The 29,655 bitcoins seized by US law enforcement from Silk Road will be liquidated by the government.

FBI, silk road, anonymity
Following the Money: Are Bitcoin Black Market Purchases Really Anonymous?
Researcher Sarah Meiklejohn discusses whether Silk Road's users can be prosecuted and if illegal bitcoin transactions are truly 'anonymous'.
FBI, silk road, anonymity

Silk Road's Ross Ulbricht Denied Bail, Supporters Aim to Raise $500k for Legal Defence
Ross Ulbricht, the alleged owner of online black marketplace Silk Road, has been denied bail.

Over $1 Million Raised for Bail of Alleged Silk Road Owner Ross Ulbricht
Friends and family of Ross Ulbricht have raised more than $1m bail money for the alleged Silk Road owner.

Sinister New Site 'Assassination Market' Enables Users to Contribute Bitcoins for Murder of US Officials
An anonymous Assassination Market has recently launched with six targets submitted, with bitcoin donations.

Balanced Regulation Could Help the Good in Bitcoin Overcome the Bad
Crime is giving bitcoin a bad name. Could regulation help bitcoin fulfil its potential?

US Senate hearing bitcoin testimony
Bitcoin Foundation Plays Down Silk Road Connection at Senate Hearing
Participants will reveal differing opinions on anonymity and Silk Road at a key Senate bitcoin hearing on Monday.
US Senate hearing bitcoin testimony

gun and bullets
US man arrested for selling guns on Black Market Reloaded
As online black marketplaces proliferate a US man is arrested for selling guns on the Black Market Reloaded site.
gun and bullets