decentralized social

Death and the Devil Surprising Two Women by Daniel Hopfer ca. 1515 (Metropolitan Museum of Art/Creative Commons)
Reddit Is Making a Deal With the AI Devil
The social media giant's $60 million real-time data deal with Google is latest example of internet companies selling out their users who have nominally "consented" to share th...
Death and the Devil Surprising Two Women by Daniel Hopfer ca. 1515 (Metropolitan Museum of Art/Creative Commons)

EFDOT's image of Racer, the co-founder of, for Most Influential 2023.
The Year of Decentralized Social Media
Farcaster, and Lens showed how much can change in a year — but is Web3 networking ready for primetime?
EFDOT's image of Racer, the co-founder of, for Most Influential 2023.

(Getty Images)
Is It Finally Time to ‘X-it’ Twitter for Threads?
Meta's Threads hopes to swoop in and capture Web3 users that are looking for social media alternatives. But does the app have what crypto natives are looking for?
(Getty Images)

BitClout Founder on $50M Fund 'Octane' for Decentralized Social Ecosystem
BitClout Founder on $50M Fund ‘Octane’ for Decentralized Social Ecosystem
The foundation of DeSo, the blockchain short for “decentralized social” started by the founder of social media site BitClout Nader Al-Naji, formerly known as “Diamondhands,” h...
BitClout Founder on $50M Fund 'Octane' for Decentralized Social Ecosystem