Blockchain Data

Solana Foundation Leads $3M Investment in Blockchain Data Platform PARSIQ
Evan Cheng, the director of research at Facebook’s Novi Financial, is also joining the project as an adviser.

Bitcoin (BTC) [14.49.31, 10 Jun, 2021]
Bitcoin's 'Rich List' Continues to Snap Up Cheap Coins
Bitcoin's rich list has accumulated 80,000 BTC since the May 19 crash.
Bitcoin (BTC) [14.49.31, 10 Jun, 2021]

Blockchain data shows a sudden surge in outflows from big cryptocurrency exchanges, possibly a bullish sign.
Crypto Exchanges See Biggest Bitcoin Outflow in 7 Months. A Reason to Cheer?
"This traditionally bullish signal should be interpreted with caution and in the context of other indicators," one analyst said.
Blockchain data shows a sudden surge in outflows from big cryptocurrency exchanges, possibly a bullish sign.

CoinDesk - Unknown
Fidelity Launches Institutional Crypto Data Analytics Platform
Fidelity Investments' latest product is designed to help institutional clients with their crypto investments.
CoinDesk - Unknown

BTC spent output age bands
Long-Term Bitcoin Holders Unmoved Despite Volatility, Blockchain Data Shows
Long-term bitcoin holders were unmoved during the recent correction, similar to previous turning points, according to Glassnode.
BTC spent output age bands

CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index
Market Wrap: Bitcoin Near $58K, Reverses Two-Day Losses Despite Lower Trading Volume
The price gain came amid new signs of growing mainstream adoption of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index

Ether’s Record Run Came With Less Support Than Bitcoin’s, Blockchain Analysis Shows
Philip Gradwell of Chainalysis said on CoinDesk TV that “relatively little” ether was bought above $1,850 and even less was bought at $2,000 or above.

The term "HODL" is crypto-industry slang for the practice of holding tokens for the long term.
Bitcoin Newbies Are HODLing as Prices Rise, Blockchain Data Suggests
The new generation of HODLers were forged during market rallies over the past year, and show no signs of slowing down.
The term "HODL" is crypto-industry slang for the practice of holding tokens for the long term.

CryptoQuant Makes Changes After Misfired ‘Whale’ Alert, Bitcoin Sell-Off
Blockchain data can enhance market transparency, ostensibly leveling the playing field. Here's what happens when it doesn't.