Banque de France

Banque de France
France's Central Bank: Keep Financial Institutions Out of Crypto
A report from the Bank of France advocates strict regulations for crypto-assets, including a ban on activity by banks, insurers and trust companies.
Banque de France

France's Central Bank Wants to Work With More Blockchain Startups
France’s central bank is opening up a new innovation lab, with an eye to collaborate with blockchain startups.

France's Central Bank Details its First Blockchain Test
France’s central bank quietly released new details about its work with blockchain last week.

The Bank of France is one of Europe's leading voices on CBDCs.
French Central Bank Urges More Research On Blockchain Impact
The French central bank has called for more investigation into distributed ledger applications as the technology catches wind in the finance world.
The Bank of France is one of Europe's leading voices on CBDCs.