Riot Blockchain

Bitcoin mining center
Riot Supercharges Mining Ops With 8,000 More Bitmain Rigs as Bitcoin Price Soars
Company executives say Riot Blockchain is on track to become cash flow positive later this year.
Bitcoin mining center

A crypto mining farm.
Riot Blockchain Mined 227 Bitcoin in Q2
Riot reported a current mining capacity of 556 petahash per second.
A crypto mining farm.

Returns for Riot, Marathon and bitcoin since August 2019
Mining Stocks Are Beating Bitcoin in a Bullish Cryptocurrency Market
Riot and Marathon have rallied 97% and 128% over the past year while bitcoin has gained 3 percent.
Returns for Riot, Marathon and bitcoin since August 2019

Riot Blockchain daily closing price since January 2019
Riot Blockchain Ends Week Up 29%, Hits 2020 High Ahead of Q2 Earnings Report
The company has gained 70% so far in Q3.
Riot Blockchain daily closing price since January 2019

Bitcoin miners
US Court Dismisses Lawsuit Over Riot Blockchain's Crypto Pivot
A U.S. judge has dismissed a lawsuit alleging the firm changed its name to include "blockchain" in 2017 to boost its share price.
Bitcoin miners

A crypto mining farm.
Riot Blockchain Says Coronavirus Outbreak Might Hurt Crypto Mining Farms
Riot Blockchain's 10-K filing captures the fear COVID-19 is sowing in American companies.
A crypto mining farm.

Mining machines (GreenBelka/Shutterstock)
Riot Blockchain Plans Sale of Crypto Exchange as It Invests More Millions in Bitcoin Mining
The Nasdaq-listed company is installing thousands of new Antminer devices from Bitmain at its Oklahoma facility.
Mining machines (GreenBelka/Shutterstock)

us, flag
Riot Blockchain to Launch Regulated Crypto Exchange in the US
Riot Blockchain is planning to launch a regulated exchange in the U.S. to offer crypto banking and trading services.
us, flag

SEC Expands Inquiry Into Riot Blockchain, Filing Reveals
The legal woes of biotech company-turned-crypto miner Riot Blockchain don't appear to be slowing down.

Riot Blockchain Has Been Subpoenaed By the SEC
Riot Blockchain has received a subpoena from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.