Mike Hearn

Bitcoin and code
Mike Hearn: How Bitcoin's Technology Advanced in 2014
Bitcoin developer Mike Hearn takes a look at how bitcoin's technology has advanced this year and predicts where things will go in 2015.
Bitcoin and code

Mike Hearn Wins $40k Bounty for Bitcoin Core Crowdfunding Platform
Lighthouse, a decentralized crowdfunding platform for bitcoin projects, is expected to launch in August.

Mike Hearn: Underfunding is Leaving Bitcoin Development in Crisis
The bitcoinj developer has said development of the bitcoin protocol is in a "crisis period" through lack of incentive.

June 13 2014 - flickr jdhancock unmask
'Eavesdropping' Attack Can Unmask Up to 60% of Bitcoin Clients
An attacker on a $2,000 budget could reveal bitcoin clients' IP addresses, researchers say.
June 13 2014 - flickr jdhancock unmask

Crowdfunding crowdsale
Who Will Protect Investors in a Cryptocurrency Crowdsale?
Crowdselling via block chains is about to become big news, say advocates – but who will protect investors?
Crowdfunding crowdsale

Bitcoin network
New Decentralized Crowdfunding Platform Could Reshape Bitcoin Landscape
Bitcoin developer Mike Hearn opens up about his decentralized 'Lighthouse' platform.
Bitcoin network

What Are Bitcoin Nodes and Why Do We Need Them?
As a P2P network, bitcoin needs nodes, but the numbers are dropping – so what can be done?

Bitcoin Core Development Falling Behind, Warns Bitcoinj's Mike Hearn
Too few people are doing the heavy lifting, warns Mike Hearn, one of bitcoin's software development luminaries.

Smart Property, Colored Coins and Mastercoin
Cryptoledgers, like those utilized in bitcoin and litecoin, are not merely one-dimensional, one-trick ponies relegated to simple fiat exchanges.

Are Stealth Addresses the Secret to Bitcoin Privacy?
Bitcoin developer Peter Todd proposes that stealth address will allow for increased anonymity on the block chain.