Life on Bitcoin

Life on Bitcoin
Official 'Life on Bitcoin' Documentary Trailer Released
Nearly two years after initial filming began, the official trailer for the documentary "Life on Bitcoin" has been released.
Life on Bitcoin

DISH hopper
TV Giant DISH Launches Bitcoin Payments Program
DISH customers can now pay their monthly TV bills in bitcoin.
DISH hopper

The Best Real-World Bitcoin Merchant Pioneers of This Year
We salute the pioneers who blazed a trail for bitcoin and promoted its use around the world in 2013.

Kreuzberg area of Berlin
Around the world in 100 days with bitcoin: anything is possible, but nothing is easy
After 100 days of life on bitcoin, Austin Craig shares his experience with digital currency in the physical world.
Kreuzberg area of Berlin

Life on Bitcoin couple pays for hotel and flights in bitcoin
The Life on Bitcoin couple have overcome yet another hurdle and paid for a hotel and flights in bitcoin.

Rentalutions enables US residents to pay rent in bitcoins
A company in the US is now enabling tenants to pay their rent in bitcoins.

life on bitcoin bees brothers
Living on bitcoin is a real challenge for newlywed couple
Two newlyweds from Utah attempt to live solely on bitcoin for 90 days, filming the 'Life on Bitcoin' documentary.
life on bitcoin bees brothers

Life on Bitcoin 01
Soon-to-wed couple to live on bitcoins for 90 days
Newlyweds Austin and Beccy Craig have decided to live solely off bitcoins for 90 days and make a documentary in the process.
Life on Bitcoin 01