Green Bitcoin

wind farm on the water
Revenue Constraints Will Drive Bitcoin Mining to Sustainability
Proof-of-work mining has a place in global renewable energy adoption. But its larger role is ensuring economic freedom and liberty if nations are destabilized by climatic pres...
wind farm on the water

Bitcoin Is Already Incentivizing Renewable Energy
Compass Mining is just the latest firm to show how bitcoin's economic incentives could spur a greener grid.

Facts and Misinformation About ‘Green Bitcoin,’ With Jonathan Koomey
Facts and Misinformation About ‘Green Bitcoin,’ With Jonathan Koomey
How much electricity does bitcoin actually consume? Is it a lot, and compared to what? Is buying carbon offsets a good way to make your bitcoin “green”? Listen as Anna, Ben...
Facts and Misinformation About ‘Green Bitcoin,’ With Jonathan Koomey

Breakdown 5.25.21 - bitcoin mining council
Bitcoin Mining Council: A 'Green' Advance for BTC or a Trojan Horse for Centralization?
The community had extremely mixed reactions to Michael Saylor and Elon Musk’s new initiative.
Breakdown 5.25.21 - bitcoin mining council

Investor and TV personality Kevin O’Leary
Kevin O'Leary Doubles Down on 'Green Bitcoin'
If miners can improve sustainability, they can attract more institutional clients and boost prices, the investor said at Consensus 2021 today.
Investor and TV personality Kevin O’Leary

The Myths and Realities of 'Green Bitcoin'
Some say institutions are waiting for “green bitcoin” before buying in. Here’s why they may be waiting a long time.