
Human Protocol Expands hCaptcha Tool, Launches Wallet to Make AI Smarter
“Proof-of-HUMANity” could also thwart front-running DeFi bots.

Why Ethereum’s Miner Extractable Value Problem Is Way Worse Than You Think
The anonymous hacker who first discovered "Miner Extractable Value" returns with a warning: The integrity of Ethereum is at stake.

bad sandwich
Bad Sandwich: DeFi Trader 'Poisons' Front-Running Miners for $250K Profit
A DeFi trader tricked Ethermine's sandwich bot into purchasing "Salmonella" and "Listeria" tokens for some 130 ETH.
bad sandwich

Ethermine Adds Front-Running Software to Help Miners Offset EIP 1559 Revenue Losses
Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) has netted traders and miners some $1.7 million in profit in the last 24 hours alone.

Front-running bot in Ethereum forest
New Research Sheds Light on the Front-Running Bots in Ethereum’s Dark Forest
The report outlines how the researchers identified and isolated generalized front-running bots while evaluating their efficiency.
Front-running bot in Ethereum forest