Bitcoin in the Headlines

Bitcoin in the Headlines: Nathaniel Popper Strikes Media Gold
This week, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg all gave bitcoin the spotlight with lengthy reports and coverage.

bitcoin in the headlines
Bitcoin in the Headlines: The Chicken and Egg Debate
This week, the media aimed to tackle bitcoin's biggest burning questions, but the results may have prompted more confusion than answers.
bitcoin in the headlines

angel, heaven
Bitcoin in the Headlines: Argentina's Savior or Sign of the Antichrist?
CoinDesk has taken a look at the top bitcoin-related headlines from across the globe.
angel, heaven

bitcoin in the headlines
Bitcoin in the Headlines: Media Ga-Ga for Goldman Sachs
CoinDesk takes a look at this week's top bitcoin-related headlines.
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bitcoin headlines
Bitcoin in the Headlines: Pundits Ignite Battle of the Sexes
Bitcoin continued to take a beating in the press this week, facing attacks for its perceived male-dominated user base and lack of merchant acceptance.
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bitcoin in the headlines
Bitcoin in the Headlines: Child Porn and Price Disregarded
This week, bitcoin was once again associated with nefarious transactions, though this may have interestingly deflected more usual criticisms.
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bitcoin in the headlines
Bitcoin in the Headlines: Political Spin and Kidnapped Data
CoinDesk has looked at the top bitcoin-related headlines from across the world.
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bitcoin in the headlines
Bitcoin in the Headlines: Silk Road Strikes Comedic Gold
CoinDesk has looked at the bitcoin related headlines from across the world.
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Bitcoin in the Headlines: Wall Street Goes 'Nuts'
This week media coverage galvanized around positive stories reflecting the increasing interest of Wall Street in bitcoin technology.

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Bitcoin in the Headlines: UK Regulation Trumps Dark Market Collapse
CoinDesk has taken a look at the top bitcoin headlines across the globe.
Credit: Shutterstock