CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index
Market Wrap: Bitcoin Slides to $11.8K; Uniswap at $7M in Monthly ETH Fees
Bitcoin heads to bearish territory while the Ethereum blockchain’s gas fees continue to be pricey.
CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index

CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index
Market Wrap: Bitcoin Stumbles to $11,300; USDC Lending Rates Skyrocket
Bitcoin experienced heavy selling Tuesday, while traders are finding profits in stablecoin borrowing strategies.
CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index

Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index
Market Wrap: Bitcoin Blasts Past $10,000; Ethereum Fees Up 550% in 2020
Bitcoin is experiencing high volumes, pushing the price close to $11,000. Meanwhile, Ethereum fees are up 550% this year.
Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index

Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index
Market Wrap: Bitcoin Briefly Pops Above $9,400 as Global Stocks Rally
Bitcoin broke through $9,400 as stock indices around the world make gains.
Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index

Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index
Market Wrap: Derivatives, Altcoins Take Market Spotlight as Bitcoin Dozes at $9,100
Derivatives and altcoins are providing excitement as bitcoin spot trading stays dull.
Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index

Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index
Market Wrap: What Twitter Hack? Traders Stay Busy Buying Bitcoin at $9,000
Bitcoin suffered a short period of selling in early trading but has bounced back, seemingly immune to Wednesday's Twitter hack.
Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index

CoinDesk 20
Introducing the CoinDesk 20: The Assets That Matter Most in Crypto
Based on "real volume" from eight reputable exchanges, these 20 digital assets attract most of the sector's legitimate trading activity.
CoinDesk 20

Compound's 'Yield Farmers' Briefly Turned BAT Into DeFi's Largest Coin
The digital advertising token briefly became bigger than ether in the decentralized finance space, thanks to popular lending protocol Compound.

Lightning Labs co-founder Olaoluwa Osuntokun at the 2019 Lightning Conference in Berlin.
Bitcoin's Lightning Becomes Latest Protocol to Court Publishers With Micropayments
With paywall systems for a whole bevy of assets, crypto payments could revolutionize the media industry – if demand actually matched supply.
Lightning Labs co-founder Olaoluwa Osuntokun at the 2019 Lightning Conference in Berlin.