Nic Carter

Nic Carter



Michael Dziedzic/Unsplash
OnlyFans Shows How the Banking System Is Politicized
OnlyFans’ decision (now reversed) to ban porn reveals the arbitrary power of banks to delist products they don’t like. Neutral tech like Bitcoin offers an alternative.
Michael Dziedzic/Unsplash
$5 National Gold Bank Note issued by the First National Gold Bank of San Francisco, California, 1870s.
Why Central Bankers Invoke Free Banking to Attack Stablecoins
If you're going to warn people about stablecoins by citing 19th century history, you should at least include the full record, says our columnist.
$5 National Gold Bank Note issued by the First National Gold Bank of San Francisco, California, 1870s.
Chinese Communist Party delegates, 2020.
Go West, Bitcoin! Unpacking the Great Hashrate Migration
All signals indicate the greatest shakeup in the geographic makeup of bitcoin mining since the start of the industrial mining era.
Chinese Communist Party delegates, 2020.
National Palace of El Salvador
El Salvador Doesn't Need a Bitcoin Mandate
The Bukele administration should consider not enforcing, or eliminating, Article 7 of its new law. Let Bitcoin flourish on its own merits.
National Palace of El Salvador
Bitcoin mining at the CryptoUniverse Farm, in Russia.
The Virgin Bitcoin Fallacy
Miners have begun to promote "clean bitcoin" with guarantees on climate, KYC and and OFAC compliance. But are such coins even possible?
Bitcoin mining at the CryptoUniverse Farm, in Russia.
Illuminated racks of application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) mining devices  at the BitCluster cryptocurrency mining farm in Norilsk, Russia.
The Frustrating, Maddening, All-Consuming Bitcoin Energy Debate
Extrapolating Bitcoin's future energy use based on its current profile leads to some very screwy numbers, says our columnist.
Illuminated racks of application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) mining devices  at the BitCluster cryptocurrency mining farm in Norilsk, Russia.
Cryptocurrency mining profits might grow faster than the price of bitcoin, due to the global shortage of computer chips.
What Bloomberg Gets Wrong About Bitcoin's Climate Footprint
The comparison between Bitcoin and Visa's energy use, reached several highly misleading conclusions, our columnist says.
Cryptocurrency mining profits might grow faster than the price of bitcoin, due to the global shortage of computer chips.
Cancel culture, erasing a member of community, social media censorship, new ethics
Twitter, Trump and the 'Private Company' Fallacy
Defending deplatforming as the right of private companies assumes that truly private companies are possible. They may not be.
Cancel culture, erasing a member of community, social media censorship, new ethics
Nationalizing Stablecoins Won't Improve Financial Access
Proposals forcing stablecoin issuers to get banking licenses won't increase financial inclusion, as their proponents claim.
The Case for Bitcoin Banking (Despite Cred's Bankruptcy)
The failure of a Bitcoin bank reinforces the merit of a Bitcoin-based financial system, says our columnist.