Gideon Greenspan

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crumbs, cookie
Where Have All the Private Blockchains Gone?
What's next for private blockchains? More iteration, improvement – and adoption, argues developer Gideon Greenspan.
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Greek Hero. Credit: Shutterstock
The Blockchain Immutability Myth
MultiChain's Gideon Greenspan offers his latest insight into blockchain design, this time attacking the idea blockchains can truly be immutable.
Greek Hero. Credit: Shutterstock
businessman, island
Why Blockchain Won't Be Connecting Banks in 2017
The inability of banks and financial institutions to collaborate could restrict growth of new blockchain use cases next year.
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treasure, gold
Four Genuine Blockchain Use Cases
Financial institutions may have more limited ways to harness the technology than previously thought, one researcher argues.
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pencil eraser
Why Many Smart Contract Use Cases Are Simply Impossible
Coin Sciences CEO Gideon Greenspan attacks common misconceptions that he argues are contributing to outlandish expectations for smart contracts.
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