
Image via Shutterstock
Bitcoin, Bonds and Gold: Why Markets Are Upended in a Time of Fear
CoinDesk's Noelle Acheson points out the real narrative shift is in the broader market, not bitcoin.
Image via Shutterstock

Image via Barna Bartis on Unsplash
The Gig Economy Is Unfair. Here's How Token Models Can Help
The gig economy is unfair to many workers. We need tokenized co-operatives, says Gys Hough, a Dutch VC.
Image via Barna Bartis on Unsplash

Frances Coppola
The Tokenization Delusion
The idea of everyone issuing their own tokens, and transacting freely without government involvement, is nothing but a lovely dream.
Frances Coppola

Credit: Shutterstock
The Dangerous Truth About India's Cryptocurrency Verdict
An only-partial court victory and the possibility of legislation banning crypto mean the industry’s legal status in India remains vulnerable.
Credit: Shutterstock

Information Overload Is Stopping Us From Seeing the Truth
The online environment is inundated with information, and it's impossible to tell the fake from the real, says Microsoft's blockchain chief.

Image via Studio Incendo, Flickr
With Freedom at Stake, More Hongkongers See Bitcoin's Unique Value
Before the recent protests, explaining bitcoin's value proposition to Hongkongers was tricky, says local resident Leo Weese. Now more people appreciate censorship resistance.
Image via Studio Incendo, Flickr

Valerian Bennett
Tron's Takeover of Steemit Is Internet History Repeating Itself
Tron's takeover of Steemit is part of a trend: the takeover of decentralized networks by companies that put their own interests ahead of their users.
Valerian Bennett

Jill Carlson, co-founder of Open Money Initiative
Stop Treating Bitcoin as Risky. It's a Safer Asset Than Most
Bitcoin is often lumped in risky assets like growth stocks, high yield debt, high beta ETFs, venture capital, and emerging markets. In fact, it has many hallmarks of a safe ha...
Jill Carlson, co-founder of Open Money Initiative

India's Supreme Court Ruling Is a Win for the Whole Blockchain Industry
With India's Supreme Court overturning a ban on cryptocurrencies, the blockchain industry has a large new resource of customers and developers.

Coronavirus have a "crown-like" structure, image via the Ecohealth Alliance
The Markets Were Already Vulnerable, Then Came Coronavirus
If central banks flood the global economy with cheap money in response to the coronavirus outbreak, that is likely to help assets like bitcoin, says Kevin Kelly.
Coronavirus have a "crown-like" structure, image via the Ecohealth Alliance