
Acinq software developer Bastien Teinturier image via Twitter
A Dangerous Bug in Bitcoin's Lightning Network Has Been Fixed
Bitcoin developer Rusty Russell disclosed Friday the lightning network vulnerability that forced software upgrades in July.
Acinq software developer Bastien Teinturier image via Twitter

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Meet FumbleChain, the Deliberately Flawed Blockchain
There's a new blockchain for developers to break at will. The "capture the flag" project from Kudelski Security is meant to educate.
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'Critical' MakerDAO Vulnerability Could Have Frozen Voter Funds, Auditors Say
The vulnerability that was disclosed by the MakerDAO Foundation this week could have put user funds in jeopardy by preventing withdrawals of MKR tokens.

Trading image via Shutterstock
Token Exchange DX.Exchange Says It Has Patched Security Vulnerability
DX.Exchange claims it has patched a security vulnerability allowing anyone access to user authentication tokens.
Trading image via Shutterstock

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Beam Announces 'Critical' Vulnerability in Mimblewimble Crypto's Wallet
The Beam privacy coin's development team announced a "critical" vulnerability discovered in its wallet software Wednesday, telling users to remove old versions immediately.
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EOS Forced to Patch 'Epic' Security Loopholes Ahead of Launch
Blockchain platform EOS says serious vulnerabilities reported by an internet security firm just days before its mainnet launch have been fixed.