
(Kristina Flour/Unsplash, modified by CoinDesk)
A Step-by-Step Guide to Going Private
From using bitcoin and monero to updating your computer's operating system, Seth for Privacy presents 10 security tips for CoinDesk's "Privacy Week."
(Kristina Flour/Unsplash, modified by CoinDesk)

Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin at Techcrunch London 2015
Vitalik Buterin Wants a Better Crypto Mixer
A group of crypto and privacy experts may have found a way to anonymize blockchain transactions.
Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin at Techcrunch London 2015

(Aleksandr Popov/Unsplash)
Reject CBDCs, Embrace the Right to Transact
The steady creep of payments digitization means governments will be able to increasingly intervene and potentially censor economic activity.
(Aleksandr Popov/Unsplash)

Vitalik Buterin spoke to reporters during an exclusive event at ETHSeoul. (CoinDesk)
Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin Argues for Blockchain 'Privacy Pools' to Weed Out Criminals
The paper argues for “privacy pools,” a tech feature that would enhance the privacy of user’s transactions while also separating criminal activity from innocent funds in diffe...
Vitalik Buterin spoke to reporters during an exclusive event at ETHSeoul. (CoinDesk)

The U.S. government has cabined privacy tech well before taking aim at the Tornado Cash privacy mixer. (Marco Bianchetti/Unsplash)
When Did Privacy Become a Bad Word?
In the aftermath of the Tornado Cash arrests, the DeFi Education Fund's Amanda Tuminelli and Miller Whitehouse-Levine write about the clash between liberty and security highte...
The U.S. government has cabined privacy tech well before taking aim at the Tornado Cash privacy mixer. (Marco Bianchetti/Unsplash)

Is there any justice in the U.S. government's legal battle with Tornadoo Cash and its developers? (Steve Barker/Unsplash)
Tornado Cash Devs Are Caught in a U.S. Dragnet
The Treasury and Defense Departments are working to stop North Korean hackers — with little to show for it.
Is there any justice in the U.S. government's legal battle with Tornadoo Cash and its developers? (Steve Barker/Unsplash)

Projects To Watch 2023: Nostr
Some Users May Want an ‘Everything App’, but What We Need Is Digital Sovereignty
Jameson Lopp argues Twitter's recent rebrand falls in line with big tech's obsession with data. Nostr, an increasingly popular social network, is one alternative.
Projects To Watch 2023: Nostr

Sam Altman's Worldcoin app is facing a suspension in Kenya due to privacy concerns. (CoinDesk archives)
Kenya Appears to Have Flip-Flopped on Worldcoin's Data Practices
The country's data watchdog found the project is compliant with its data-protection laws, but has now find different problems with Sam Altman's project.
Sam Altman's Worldcoin app is facing a suspension in Kenya due to privacy concerns. (CoinDesk archives)

Nairobi, Kenya (Amani Nation/Unsplash)
Worldcoin Suspended by Kenya on Financial Security and Privacy Concerns
Kenya is the first country to fully suspend Worldcoin operations. Data protection offices in Europe have started investigations.
Nairobi, Kenya (Amani Nation/Unsplash)

Austin Texas (Cosmic Timetraveler/Unsplash)
Bitcoin Taught Me a Valuable Lesson at Austin’s Airport
Crypto enables people to transact with minimal information. If only we could go through life determining exactly what to share or not, Axelar's Galen Moore writes.
Austin Texas (Cosmic Timetraveler/Unsplash)