
Microsoft to Develop Identity Platform for Multiple Blockchains
Microsoft has partnered with two startups to build an identity platform aimed to integrating with both the bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains.

Transactive Grid
Ethereum Used for ‘First’ Paid Energy Trade Using Blockchain Tech
The Ethereum blockchain is being used by Transactive Grid to log energy created by solar panels so that it can be sold to connected neighbors.
Transactive Grid

Based in Brooklyn, New York, the headquarters of Ethereum startup, ConsenSys, don't look like your typical financial sector offices. (Photo credit: Michael del Castillo)
Gallery: ConsenSys Plots Ethereum’s Future from Hipster Haven
The headquarters of Brooklyn-based ConsenSys, don't look like your typical financial sector offices. Check out this rare behind-the-scenes tour.
Based in Brooklyn, New York, the headquarters of Ethereum startup, ConsenSys, don't look like your typical financial sector offices. (Photo credit: Michael del Castillo)

Ethereum inventor, Vitalik Buterin, Consensys co-founder Andrew Keys, Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, and Microsoft blockchain global strategist, Yorke Rhodes at the //Build conference in San Fransisco, Tuesday, March 29, 2016. (Photo credit: Andy Keys)
Microsoft Adds Ethereum to Windows Platform For Over 3 Million Developers
Millions of Microsoft developers can now build decentralized applications using the Ethereum blockchain thanks to a collaboration with ConsenSys.
Ethereum inventor, Vitalik Buterin, Consensys co-founder Andrew Keys, Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, and Microsoft blockchain global strategist, Yorke Rhodes at the //Build conference in San Fransisco, Tuesday, March 29, 2016. (Photo credit: Andy Keys)

Ethereum Swaps Tool Added to Microsoft's Blockchain Sandbox
Microsoft has added a new decentralized application to its Ethereum blockchain-as-a-service toolkit introduced in October.