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Airdrops, within the world of cryptocurrencies, refer to the distribution of free tokens or coins to individuals who hold a specific cryptocurrency or participate in a particular blockchain network. This practice is often employed by companies, protocols, and crypto exchanges to promote their projects, attract new users, and foster community engagement.

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(engin akyurt/Unsplash)
Bitcoin Layer-2 Project BVM Gains Traction With Promise of 'Juicy' Airdrops
The platform lets users start their own networks on Bitcoin and is offering developers millions of dollars as grant rewards.
(engin akyurt/Unsplash)

Solana banner in Austin, Texas (Danny Nelson/CoinDesk)
Solana DeFi's KMNO Airdrop Sparked Outrage. Kamino Responded With Changes
The Solana DeFi protocol will give extra KMNO to its "longest" users.
Solana banner in Austin, Texas (Danny Nelson/CoinDesk)

Farming (James Baltz/Unsplash)
Seeking Yield on $37M Ether Treasury, JPEG'd DAO Mulls Airdrop Farming
"There are possibilities to solidify the treasury at low risk," pseudonymous JPEG'd contributor 0xTutti told CoinDesk.
Farming (James Baltz/Unsplash)

BNB price on Feb. 22 (CoinDesk)
BNB Price Climbs to Highest Since FTX Crash Amid Airdrop Frenzy, Easing Binance Worries
BNB holders transferred over $400 million worth of BNB tokens in 24 hours to benefit from cross-chain gaming project Portal's upcoming airdrop, Arkham Intelligence noted.
BNB price on Feb. 22 (CoinDesk)

FTX bankruptcy estate consolidates ARB airdrop (Christine Roy/Unplash)
Are Airdrops Effective Marketing?
Everyone likes getting something for nothing, but distributing tokens is only worthwhile if it also attracts longterm builders and users rather than just momentary buzz.
FTX bankruptcy estate consolidates ARB airdrop (Christine Roy/Unplash)

Staking (Shutterstock)
Filecoin's Liquid Staker Glif Raises $4.5M, Hints at Token Airdrop
Glif's "liquid leasing" gives FIL holders a way to earn yield on their assets.
Staking (Shutterstock)

(Luke Jernejcic/Unsplash)
Blast From the Future: Can You Plagiarize Something Meant to Be Copied?
Devs for the Blast L2 are accused of stealing open-source code that’s available to all. Is that cheating, or a sincere form of flattery?
(Luke Jernejcic/Unsplash)

(Scott Webb/Unsplash)
The Protocol: Ethereum Developers Warn on 'Diversity Problem'
In this week's issue, a focus on Ethereum's "diversity problem," the week's biggest blockchain project upgrades and highlights from Electric Capital's annual report on develop...
(Scott Webb/Unsplash)

Planet Jupiter and its great red spot
Jupiter Targets JUP Airdrop for End of January
The Solana-based trading aggregator will test the longevity of the Solana frenzy.
Planet Jupiter and its great red spot

(Kamil Pietrzak/Unsplash)
The Protocol: Crypto Spring Is Airdrop Season With Tokens From Starknet, LayerZero
In this week's issue of The Protocol newsletter, we're covering Worldcoin's latest update, airdrop season, the new Bitcoin wallet from Jack Dorsey's company and the "data avai...
(Kamil Pietrzak/Unsplash)