Crypto for Advisors

Advice You’ve Never Had to Consider Before
When it comes to crypto, you’ll need to be knowledgeable about new, complex topics to be a more useful and valuable advisor to clients.

Nathan Watson/Unsplash
Understanding Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Stake and Tokens
When navigating the world of crypto for clients, it’s crucial to understand these terms and methods.
Nathan Watson/Unsplash

Mackenzie Marco/Unsplash
How Do You Value Digital Assets?
Traditional models don’t fit for valuing digital assets.
Mackenzie Marco/Unsplash

lo lo/Unsplash
Big Institutions Are Eying Crypto. But Where Are the Inflows?
Institutional interest in cryptocurrencies is increasing, but slowly.
lo lo/Unsplash

Important Conversations to Have About Crypto With Clients
Whether you’re advising on crypto, managing digital asset portfolios or just starting down this journey, the most important part for now will be the new conversations you’ll n...

(Viktor Forgacs/Unsplash)
Your Clients May Already Own Crypto. Here’s How to Hold It
How do we advise clients on an asset we can’t (yet) handle directly?
(Viktor Forgacs/Unsplash)

Crypto for Advisors Article 1 Issue 1 Image
Why Are Digital Assets Different?
In the journey to decide if you should even learn about digital assets and then how to make the asset class part of your practice, one of the first questions you might ask is...
Crypto for Advisors Article 1 Issue 1 Image

Crypto for Advisors Announcement Post
Introducing Crypto for Advisors, a Newsletter for Financial Planners
A new CoinDesk newsletter defining crypto, digital assets and the future of finance.
Crypto for Advisors Announcement Post

Why Crypto Is the Next Big Trend in Financial Planning
If the robo-advising trend taught advisers anything, it's that millennial and Gen X investors will invest how they want. And right now, they want crypto.