Election 2024

Indonesia flag (Bisma Mahendra/Unsplash)
Indonesia’s Election Results May Be Good for Crypto, Industry Watchers Say
The presidential election in February initially ended in controversy when the winning duo claimed victory before official results were released.
Indonesia flag (Bisma Mahendra/Unsplash)

EU parliamentary elections will take place in June. (Guillaume Périgois/Unsplash)
Ahead of EU Elections, Crypto Industry Pushes Blockchain Merits as Policy Focus Shifts to AI
Industry watchers are hoping for a younger, tech-savvy cohort of politicians that can drive innovation-friendly policy forward.
EU parliamentary elections will take place in June. (Guillaume Périgois/Unsplash)

South African President and African National Congress (ANC) President Cyril Ramaphosa (Per-Anders Pettersson/Getty Images)
South Africa’s Election Won’t Interfere With Crypto Policy: Industry Watchers
South Africa's general elections are set for May 29, and crypto observers are paying close attention to its crypto licensing regime that's expected to clear dozens of firms.
South African President and African National Congress (ANC) President Cyril Ramaphosa (Per-Anders Pettersson/Getty Images)

Kishida reiterated “Web3 is part of the new form of capitalism,” referring to his flagship economic policy intended to drive growth and wealth distribution. (Photo by Takayuki Masuda/ CoinDesk Japan)
Japan's Embrace of Web3 Uncertain as Ruling Party Under Threat
Liberal Democratic Party leader and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida once called Web3 a “new form of capitalism,” but he faces a party leadership election in September.
Kishida reiterated “Web3 is part of the new form of capitalism,” referring to his flagship economic policy intended to drive growth and wealth distribution. (Photo by Takayuki Masuda/ CoinDesk Japan)

Mexico City (Robbie Herrera/Unsplash)
In Mexico’s Biggest Election Yet, Crypto Remains on the Sidelines
The favorite to win, Mexico City’s former Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum, is expected to remain aligned with her party’s previous position on crypto, one that focuses more on protect...
Mexico City (Robbie Herrera/Unsplash)

Crypto industry support may have helped lift Shomari Figures to his win in an Alabama congressional primary this week. (Courtesy of Figures for Congress)
Crypto PAC Spent Millions to Get Alabama Candidate on Path Toward Congress
Shomari Figures just won the Democratic primary in Alabama after $2.7 million in outside support from one of the digital assets industry's main campaign-finance operations.
Crypto industry support may have helped lift Shomari Figures to his win in an Alabama congressional primary this week. (Courtesy of Figures for Congress)

(John Deaton)
‘I'm a Pro-Freedom Candidate’: John Deaton on his Senate Race With Elizabeth Warren
The election pits a fierce crypto advocate against one of its biggest political opponents. Deaton is a speaker at this year's Consensus festival, in May.
(John Deaton)

U.S. Sen. Cynthia Lummis said crypto could be a factor in key Senate contests this year. (Shutterstock/CoinDesk)
Lummis: Crypto Will Erupt as Big Issue in Senate Races Including Banking Chair Brown's
Sen. Cynthia Lummis said there's an effort underway to ensure Republicans trying to take seats from Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee are versed in crypto advocacy.
U.S. Sen. Cynthia Lummis said crypto could be a factor in key Senate contests this year. (Shutterstock/CoinDesk)