(Atul Vinayak/Unsplash)
5 Years After Launch, Predictions Market Platform Augur Releases Version 2
Augur v2 has all the bells and whistles: Interplanetary File System (IPFS), 0x Mesh, MakerDAO’s dai and Uniswap’s v2 oracle network.
(Atul Vinayak/Unsplash)

Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index
Market Wrap: Bitcoin Near $9,600 as Gold Hits High, Uniswap Liquidity Over $100M
Bitcoin is up for the week, gold gets a new high and DeFi keeps growing.
Source: CoinDesk 20 Bitcoin Price Index

Aggregate volumes for decentralized trading platforms through July 21, 2020
July's Decentralized Exchange Volumes Have Already Topped June's Record, Reaching $1.6B
DEX trading volume already beat June's record, passing $1.6 billion as of Tuesday.
Aggregate volumes for decentralized trading platforms through July 21, 2020

(Public Domain/Metropolitan Museum of Art)
DeFi's 'Agricultural Revolution' Has Ethereum Users Turning to Decentralized Exchanges
Decentralized exchanges are seeing more action than ever thanks to a surge in decentralized finance activity.
(Public Domain/Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Following COMP's Surge, DeFi Platform Balancer Begins Distribution of BAL Tokens
Balancer Labs, the maker of an automated portfolio management tool, has confirmed to CoinDesk it has begun distribution of its BAL token.

MAGIC: Some tokens are more like amulets. (Credit: Thomas Wyness/Shutterstock)
Uniswap V2 Launches With More Token-Swap Pairs, Oracle Service, Flash Loans
The headline feature of the new Uniswap will be the ability for anyone to create any token pair they want, so long as it exists on Ethereum.
MAGIC: Some tokens are more like amulets. (Credit: Thomas Wyness/Shutterstock)

DIVE IN: The Coinbase funding provides liquidity for two of the more popular DeFi dapps on Ethereum. (Credit: Shutterstock)
Coinbase Pumps $1.1M USDC Into DeFi Sites Uniswap and PoolTogether
Coinbase has put $1.1 million in USDC into the pools powering two of the more popular DeFi applications on Ethereum: Uniswap and PoolTogether.
DIVE IN: The Coinbase funding provides liquidity for two of the more popular DeFi dapps on Ethereum. (Credit: Shutterstock)

Credit: Shutterstock
Thursday’s Market Madness Strained Ethereum’s Killer App: DeFi
So many people were trying to use the Ethereum blockchain during Thursday’s market meltdown that many applications simply stopped working as intended.
Credit: Shutterstock

Is It Exploitation Season for DeFi?
Are two recent attacks taking advantage of "flash loans," low liquidity and price oracle issues the first of more to come?

Balloons image via Shutterstock
Traders Turn to DeFi to Capitalize on Tuesday's Crypto Market Spike
Decentralized finance (DeFi) applications are popping off Tuesday, and the ETH price spike isn't the whole story.
Balloons image via Shutterstock