Some of DeFi’s Leading Investors Are Backing a New Options Protocol
Framework Ventures and ParaFi Capital are leading the round in a bid to see if DeFi options trading can finally click.

DeFiance Capital's Arthur Cheong is raising a new liquid venture capital fund.
DeFi Startup Optimism Launches Alpha of Its Uniswap Layer-Two Solution
Transaction capacity on Optimistic Ethereum should be on par with that of the base layer but will be confirmed instantly, the startup said.
DeFiance Capital's Arthur Cheong is raising a new liquid venture capital fund.

Optimism co-founder Jinglan Wang
Alchemy Supports Another Ethereum Scaling Solution. This Time It’s Optimism
The blockchain developer platform is set to offer devs access to multiple layer 2 solutions.
Optimism co-founder Jinglan Wang

Optimism co-founder Jinglan Wang
Venture-Backed Ethereum Project Optimism Delays Launch
The throughput-boosting Layer 2 project said rushing its mainnet launch could have consequences for unprepared projects.
Optimism co-founder Jinglan Wang

Venture Capital Titan Andreessen Horowitz Is Making a Big Bet on Ethereum With 'Optimism' Investment
Venture Capital Titan Andreessen Horowitz Is Making a Big Bet on Ethereum With ‘Optimism’ Investment
“The Hash” panel discusses why news of VC firm Andreessen Horowitz’s big $25 million investment in Optimism is significant for the Ethereum network.
Venture Capital Titan Andreessen Horowitz Is Making a Big Bet on Ethereum With 'Optimism' Investment

Optimism co-founder Jinglan Wang
Andreessen Horowitz Leads $25M Round in Ethereum Scaling Solution
The titan of Silicon Valley VC is leading a major round in Optimism.
Optimism co-founder Jinglan Wang

Members of the Synthetix team
Optimism ‘Soft Launches’ Ethereum Throughput Solution With DeFi’s Synthetix
A potential fix for Ethereum's costly congestion problems.
Members of the Synthetix team

Ethereum's Top Dapps Are Increasingly Turning to 'Rollups': Here's Why
A majority of the top Ethereum-based decentralized applications (dapps) are switching to rollups, a layer 2 for increasing throughput.

OpenSwap is an interchain liquidity booster.
Trading Contest on Synthetix Aims to Showcase Speed of New DEX Tech
Synthetix is putting over $40,000 in crypto on the line to entice users to try out the faster beta of its decentralized exchange (DEX).
OpenSwap is an interchain liquidity booster.

Optimism co-founder Jinglan Wang
Plasma Became Optimism and It Might Just Save Ethereum
The Plasma Group reformed as Optimism and is working to make ethereum's calling card, smart contracts, work above the base layer.
Optimism co-founder Jinglan Wang