Wally Adeyemo, deputy secretary of the U.S. Treasury, at Consensus 2022 (Suzanne Cordiero for CoinDesk)
Unhosted Crypto Wallet Rules Will Allow Innovation, US Treasury Official Vows
Storing crypto anonymously outside regulated venues lets people bypass sanctions and anti-money laundering checks, Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo said at Consensus 2022.
Wally Adeyemo, deputy secretary of the U.S. Treasury, at Consensus 2022 (Suzanne Cordiero for CoinDesk)

MONKEY BUSINESS: Buying access to a random person’s crypto wallet is extremely risky. (meshaphoto/Getty Images)
Please Don’t Buy a ‘KYC’d’ Wallet for the Bored Apes Team’s Otherside Mint
Yuga Labs’ long-awaited “Otherside” NFT sale has spawned a secondary market for specially registered Ethereum addresses. Caveat emptor.
MONKEY BUSINESS: Buying access to a random person’s crypto wallet is extremely risky. (meshaphoto/Getty Images)

Don’t Blame Crypto for Corruption
An IMF study suggesting crypto is facilitating corruption is off target.

KYC, anti-money laundering images are ineffective. (Getty Images)
Crypto Should Disrupt Current Anti-Money Laundering Practices, Not Adopt Them
Modern know-your-customer, anti-money laundering regulations are ineffective; crypto represents a better option to address this problem.
KYC, anti-money laundering images are ineffective. (Getty Images)

Bored Ape Yacht Club and Animoca Brands Collaboration Criticized for KYC Requirements
Bored Ape Yacht Club and Animoca Brands Collaboration Criticized for KYC Requirements
Bored Ape Yacht Club’s new collaboration with blockchain gaming firm Animoca Brands has been criticized for its KYC requirements, breaking away from the privacy-driven ethos o...
Bored Ape Yacht Club and Animoca Brands Collaboration Criticized for KYC Requirements

Credit: Rob Tol / Unsplash
After ‘Doxxing’ Fracas, Bored Apes Team Starts Asking for Customer ID
About a month after Buzzfeed News revealed the identities of its founders, Yuga Labs has started requesting customers’ personal information for an unspecified new project.
Credit: Rob Tol / Unsplash

CoinDesk - Unknown
FTX Picks Stripe to Build Payments and Risk Mitigation Feature
Stripe’s platform will enable a new fiat-to-crypto on-ramp for the rapidly growing exchange's customers.
CoinDesk - Unknown

(Getty Images)
Bitcoin Mixers: How Do They Work and Why Are They Used?
Bitcoin offers pseudonymity to users by design. But in order to be completely anonymous, you’ll need to use tools like bitcoin mixers.
(Getty Images)

US Treasury: Unhosted Crypto Wallet Rule Will Be Considered in 2022
US Treasury: Unhosted Crypto Wallet Rule Will Be Considered in 2022
The U.S. Treasury Department revealed a controversial rule enforcing know-your-customer (KYC) rules on unhosted or self-hosted crypto wallets might be considered in its semian...
US Treasury: Unhosted Crypto Wallet Rule Will Be Considered in 2022

The Unhosted Crypto Wallet Rule Is Back
The Unhosted Crypto Wallet Rule Is Back
A controversial proposed rule that would enforce know-your-customer (KYC) rules on unhosted or self-hosted crypto wallets may again be under consideration by the U.S. federal...
The Unhosted Crypto Wallet Rule Is Back