Alyssa Hertig

Alyssa Hertig

A contributing tech reporter at CoinDesk, Alyssa Hertig is a programmer and journalist specializing in Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Over the years, her work has also appeared in VICE, Mic and Reason. She's currently writing a book exploring the ins and outs of Bitcoin governance. Alyssa owns some BTC.



Credit: Shutterstock
Anonymous Blockchain Micropayments Advance With 'Bolt'
CoinDesk outlines a new proposal that would seek to anonymize micropayments carried out on blockchain networks.
Credit: Shutterstock
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Rise of Replay Attacks Intensifies Ethereum Divide
The recent split between ethereum and ethereum classic has opened the door to cross-network issues, problems that have ensnared several exchanges.
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Ethereum's Two Ethereums Explained
What is ethereum classic? And how does it differ from ethereum? CoinDesk profiles the ongoing split on the blockchain network.
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Blockstream Buys Bitcoin Wallet to Boost Sidechains Development
Blockstream has acquired wallet provider GreenAddress in a move the startup says could impact the development of sidechains.
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Will Ethereum Beat Bitcoin to Mainstream Microtransactions?
Micropayments have long been one of the most anticipated use cases for bitcoin, but similar tech may be coming soon to Ethereum.
wishing well, coins
MaidSafe CEO David Irvine Talks Nature, Ants and Decentralization
David Irvine describes how ants, neurons, and other natural marvels guide the structure of MaidSafe's decentralized data platform.
'Adopt a Node' Project Aims to Bolster Bitcoin Network Security
The open-source Fullnode project offers an easy way for anyone to provision the bitcoin network.
'Sigsafe' Key Tag Brings Bitcoin Payments to NFC Devices
Designed to balance on-the-go payments with storage, Sigsafe is an electronic key that allows bitcoin transactions between NFC devices.
law financial regulation
How Regulators Should Approach The Bitcoin Derivatives Market
Mercatus Center scholars recommend that policymakers use a “bottom-up” approach to regulating bitcoin.
law financial regulation